One step at a time…

What is one thing I can do today to move my life in the direction I want it to go?? I think that has been the burning question for me lately and what I’ve tried to remember. It feels so hard to get ahead sometimes. As a busy wife and mother, employee, daughter, and friend, sometimes it feels like everyone else gets our time and our energy and theres nothing left for our goals and dreams. I have to remind myself that this is a marathon and not a sprint. Some days are better than others, but if I can just take one step forward, one decision at a time, eventually I will not only get to the place I want to be, but find myself somewhere even better than I imagined.

It’s hard for me not to want to have a specific plan, an exact direction of where I’m headed and what I want it to be. I’ve probably let that lack of clarity hold me back most of my life and I was always so fascinated and envious of people I’ve encountered who knew exactly what they wanted and went after it. What does that knowing feel like? How do you find it? I don’t have all the answers but for now I’m just putting one foot in front of the other and heading in the direction my heart is leading me and seeing where it takes me.

I know there will be twist and turns along the way. Maybe even some starts and stops as I learn to listen to the deepest part within me. But I’ve shut that voice out long enough and I’m finally taking the time to stop, listen, and see where it leads me. I know there is so much more for me out there, so much more I’m meant for. But I’ll never get there if I don’t have faith and step away from the safety of the life I’ve created in hopes of something more.